I don’t keep lists or rate things in Goodreads (I know, I know, I should, but it seems like writing work and I try to save my creativity for my own stuff). The only reason I know roughly how many books I read this year is because much of my reading comes via the Toronto […]
Entries from December 2018
What I read in 2018
December 31st, 2018 · No Comments
Tags: Uncategorized
A Post about Writer’s Block
December 15th, 2018 · No Comments
I saw yet another writer saying “there’s no such thing as writer’s block” on Twitter today. I almost replied … but I mostly just lurk on social media and so I thought I’d write this post instead. I’m not sure how all these other writers define writer’s block. Mostly they seem to assume that it’s […]
Tags: Writing
Nanowrimo comes and goes…
December 4th, 2018 · No Comments
Another year, another 10,000 words in November. To be precise, another 10,027 words, which is 6 words more than last year’s result. (This is not at all suspicious or reflective of the fact that I grind out enough words to make the target and no more. […]
Tags: Writing