Picture this, Part II

January 6th, 2017Posted by Nancy

Being the second in my series of inspiration pictures for the WIP.

I found the first of these images on my Beautiful Bizarre Magazine instagram feed, which is a constant source of incredible art that could serve as inspiration for dozens of stories (were I the sort of person who could have that many ideas).  It’s actually from a photo shoot for Vogue magazine, done by an Icelandic photographer named Anna Osk Erlingsdottir.  This picture led me to her site, which is full of equally lovely things.

Both of these are reference photos for Erzabet, one of the triumvarite of women who drive the new book.  In the course of the story she’s a child in a small fishing village, an accused witch, a Royal Magician, and …. well, you know how the next bit goes. That would be telling.

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