We drink and wish we were in Barcelona…

May 29th, 2020 · No Comments

In the vast scheme of the pandemic, having to cancel a long-planned trip to Spain is not a major loss. But it was still a loss. I love planning trips (because it eases my quite ludicrous levels of travel anxiety) and I do lots of research. We had a trip booked to go to Madrid, […]


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We drink and try to remember our real names…

April 18th, 2020 · No Comments

How is your sheltering-in-place/isolation/social distancing going? That well? I can’t really complain (though, of course, sometime I still do). I’m sitting on my couch listening to “Tentacles!” from the truly amazing musical A Shoggoth on the Roof, which manages to combine the music from Fiddler on the Roof with H.P. Lovecraft. It works quite well […]


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We drink and remember the time before the war…

March 30th, 2020 · No Comments

Or at least before the COVID-19 pandemic. I think I’ve started to forget what day it is. Or, at least, more than I used to forget what day it was. We miss the gym and our friends but life is otherwise not that different. My mail-order seeds arrived and my garlic has started coming up […]


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