Bad news: husband went to get out of bed one morning and couldn’t stand up. He’s now three weeks into serious pain in his back and leg, lousy sleep, multiple ineffective prescriptions, and physiotherapy, Things are slowly getting better.
Good news: I’ve had to take over the grocery shopping and basic food prep and we haven’t killed each other yet. I’ve also discovered that my husband is considered “the nicest customer” in numerous stores in our area. I’ve got some big shoes to fill…
Bad news: We were supposed to go to Nova Scotia to visit family, leaving this upcoming Thursday. That’s not happening – but at least we could cancel without penalty or get our money back for almost everything.
Good news: We had a great visit from some other far-flung family. Turns out my husband cannot be deterred from making latkes, even if he has to do it sitting down, so they were well fed, even if they had to entertain themselves more than we would have liked. But they’re quite good at that and we managed to have a lot of fun, despite it all.
Other news: We were finally able to film a flamenco video, featuring me and two other dancers. I’d say it’s good news but I’m reserving judgement until I see it. But the lighting was fabulous, so we all took selfies. And yes, of course I knocked that jaunty hat off at least once while dancing.
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