Wouldst thou live deliciously? Let me research that.

April 18th, 2016Posted by Nancy


The key question from The Witch, the movie most of my friends were seeing in February and March. I go along with the unanimous praise. Even the parts I didn’t think quite worked (I understood what they were getting at but the execution didn’t quite hit the mark) were thought-provoking. One of my coworkers and I came up with at least four defensible interpretations of the film, which always makes me happy.

I found it especially intriguing as I had just finished reading The Witches by Stacey Schiff and was looking at using witch trials and grim Scottish Presbyterianism in the story I’m researching right now.

I’m quite fond of research. It makes a lovely substitute for actually writing so it can be particularly dangerous for people like me. Still, because world-building isn’t my strong suit, I need to do a lot of reading and looking to create a society and ground myself in it.

Things currently on the list for the current work in progress :

– a stack of books about witchcraft, trials and Dr. Dee that I borrowed from a friend

The King’s Mistresses, a book about the strong-willed nieces of Cardinal Mazarin

– rewatching Dangerous Liaisons and Ridicule

– Richard Feynman’s book What do you care what other people think?

I warmed up for today’s writing by looking at pictures of Provencal gardens, which at least is a pleasant way to start the day.

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