Yes, I know it’s overused, but April has not been kind to me.
First up, COVID. I paid the price for sitting in a coffee shop for two hours by testing positive at the end of March. Gestures were made towards isolating from my husband but he inevitably came down with it as well. His case was mild and over quickly. Mine was only slightly more annoying (equivalent to a bad cold or flu) but I’ve had lingering symptoms. Some days I can do a whole flamenco class with only one rest break (conveniently allowing me to pet the studio cat) and other days I break out into a cold sweat and feel nauseous after fifteen minutes of activity. Fortunately, I seem to be able to walk for an hour without noticeable problems (ok, I pick routes with benches so I can rest a bit, I admit it).
I tested negative in time to go to the touring production of HAMILTON in Toronto and see friends and was looking forward to having everything get back to normal then …
On Thursday, I prepared to plant some early seeds in my garden. I retrieved a rake from the garage, started across the patio, promptly tripped and down I went. At least I didn’t land ON the rake. I did break my computer glasses (thank goodness I’d forgotten to swap back to my usual ones) and bang up my knees quite badly. After several minutes of what must have looked like bad physical comedy, my husband and I managed to get me up onto my feet and inside to the couch. I can now make it around the house without holding onto walls but my flamenco practice is restricted to arm and hand movements.
On the upside, I finished inputting all my changes to the Witch Novel and assembling the very long list of things to be reviewed, finalized and revised.
And there’s only one more day in April.
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