Covers! Copy!

March 29th, 2024Posted by Nancy

Things are moving along towards the reissue of the four novels from Open Road Media. I’ve seen both the covers (gorgeous, once the top hat is gone!) and the promotional ‘jacket copy’ (is that what you call it when there are no jackets?).

It’s always fascinating to see how different artists approach the covers. I’ve been fortunate to have some amazing covers (the first three by the same artist, Stuart Knox). I’m not hung up the cover being ‘realistic’ (some of my favourite books have hideous covers that qualify that way) but focus on whether the vibe is right. Does the cover ‘feel’ like the book? And, of course, will it look good on a computer/ipad/phone screen, since that’s how readers will be buying it now?

I’m happy to say the new covers fit the bill. The Night Inside and Blood and Chrysanthemums have the same style, which clearly signals their relationship. The first one is actually very close to both existing versions of the cover (original Penguin paperback and CZP ebook reissue). Cold Hillside is visually arresting, even if the details (hair, clothes) aren’t accurate. A Terrible Beauty seemed to pose the biggest challenge, but will work with a tweak or two (no hats!). I’m excited to share them when I get the final versions.

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2 responses

  • 1 Anonymous :) · Apr 9, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    Hi! I just want to say, I’m slowly making my way through your fiction books and I’ve enjoyed them 🙂 I’ve read “The Night Inside” and “Blood and Chrysanthemums”. I’ve ordered “A Terrible Beauty” to read next (I’m excited!). I look forward to when “Cold Hillside” is republished so that I may read it on my iPad. ^_^

    Good luck with your writing and republishing!! I look forward to what’s coming. Have a good spring and summer! ☆

  • 2 Nancy · Apr 15, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    Thanks so much for the kind words!

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