Witch Novel update

January 24th, 2024Posted by Nancy

I survived the comments from Reader #2. Most suggestions are easy to implement or require just a bit of revision. One of the areas requiring major change wasn’t a surprise at all, as I was never sure that it really worked anyway. Lots of positive comments helped, of course, so I wasn’t required to visit the sloughs of despond.

There’s just one sticky bit where I understand where the comment is coming from but I also have no real interest in expanding on one of the elements that might need to change. I’m going to focus on the things I can fix first and then see where things stand.

I’ve cut about 1,700 words just in the “look how many times you used that word!” review. Sometimes the only way to deal with the gross overuse was to ‘throw away the sentence entire’ and this turned out to be surprisingly easy in many places. One of the perils of having writing large chunks of this book during multiple rounds of Nanowrimo, so there is definitely more than a bit of padding that has survived earlier purges. I haven’t gotten ruthless yet – but that will come.

Still not rewriting the sucker from scratch though. Nope.

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